Creative front-end web developer and designer.

My Development Projects

Hollyllama Website Design

HollyLlama | HTML, CSS, JS

Yes, the website you're on right now is my very own design!
From a wireframe sketch on paper, to a digital high fidelity design file that included color scheme, images, and fonts. I also designed my own logo! Finally, I wrote all the code to make this the FUNctional website you're enjoying today. My style has changed quite a bit as my skills and experience have sharpened. I hope you enjoy all the new touches!

React Apps

ChatGPT Clone

ChatGPT Clone | JavaScript React

I really enjoyed building this cool ChatGPT clone in React. It connects to OpenAI through its API allowing users to start a dialogue and save conversations to refer back to.

Hotel booking react app

Meetups App | JavaScript React

This a meetups app where the user can create their own meetup events! Users can also save meetups to their favorites. Give it a try!

Name tag generator react app

Name Tag Generator App | JavaScript React

In my name tag generator app, users can add and delete name tags with ease! Look closely and you might see some strange names already generated.

JavaScript Games

Guess the word game

Guess the Word | HTML, CSS, JS

Check out this super fun guessing game that I built with over 800 randomly selected words!

Magic 8 Ball Website Snapshot

Magic 8 Ball | HTML, CSS, JS

I had a blast building this game that you can play right now! Go ahead, ask it anything!

Big Cat Tiger King Clock Snapshot

Big Cat Clock | HTML, CSS, JS

My minor obsession with the Tiger King Netflix documentary absolutely influenced this project!

Client Work

JD Voice Talent Website

JD Voice Talent | HTML, CSS, PHP

It was really fun to work with JD and build out his dream WordPress site!

Alegria Photography Website Snapshot

WordPress Site | HTML, CSS, PHP

I built this custom wordpress theme from scratch for a new photography business here in New England.

Cabin Creek RV Website Snapshot

GoDaddy Site | HTML, CSS

For CCRV, I designed their new brand style guide lines and implemented the changes on their existing site.

Holly's WordPress Website Snapshot

WordPress Site | HTML, CSS, PHP

This is my live WordPress website. Just click the image above to take a tour.

Dorothys Website Design Comp Snapshot

SASS Portfolio | HTML, CSS, SASS, JS

I used SASS to build this responsive, multipage portfolio website.

Thank you for viewing my work!